Thursday, December 15, 2011

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Well, that's a great question I'll get back to you on that............We'll if your like me and all other students that's a tricky question that's not very simple. Luckily, there is a magical place at St. Mike's called the Career Development that can help you figure out, plan, and prepare for....the real world!!! ( Along with many other things).

In September, I began going to resume writing workshops, graduate school information sessions, and began meeting with a career counselor. All of these things are free to students and they are so helpful whether your a senior like me or a freshmen! They also offer practice interviews, ways to make connections with Alumni in your field of interest, and can help you find a job. This building also houses our internship coordinator and study abroad office which I highly suggest taking advantage of. I am currently about to start my second internship for credit and have had such a positive experience and have made great connections.

All these helpful tools that often get forgotten about or pushed to the very end (senior year) can be accessed much earlier in your time at SMC. I really am glad I've been taking advantage of all that they have to offer and thought I would share with you one way my life has become a little bit easier because of this magical place on campus!

Career Development & other offices in Klein !

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