Thursday, September 22, 2011

Volunteers for Peace

This semester instead of taking a fourth class I chose to get an internship for credit. Being an Anthropology major I am not required to intern, but wanted experience in areas that I'm interested in so I chose a non-profit  in the area that did work that inspired and interested me greatly.

Volunteers for Peace allows individuals to volunteer in over eighty countries around the world from two weeks to up to a year! The volunteering is unique in that it allows people to interact with others from different regions of the world. Most trips do not have a volunteer from the same country together because this allows for a really valuable experience and way to make friends. The service projects range from working with kids, environmental work, hands on work, along with other kinds. One of the other really great things about VFP is that trips are affordable (especially for college age students)!

So far, I have gotten to learn more about the program and it's history as it turns 30 this year.To celebrate the anniversary, VFP is creating calendar of thirty years sharing pictures and quotes from volunteers. This is a project that I am working on right now. I'm really excited about what I am getting to do with VFP and everything I have learned so far! I will update ya'll as the semester progresses.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Welcome Home Leaf Peepers!

Fall is in the air and the leaves are starting to turn. This can only mean that leaf peeping season is just around the corner! One might ponder what is leaf peeping. Well, according to the dictionary leaf peeping is: an activity that one might partake in during autumn in areas where the foliage changes colors. It is the act of admiring autumn foliage for its beauty. 
I've never in my four years at SMC, driven around with a leaf peeping intent, but maybe this will be my year! Leaf peeping came to my mind when I opened this page because this past Sunday my roommate Julie and I went apple picking in Shelburne. On our way over to the farm, Shelburne Orchards, we got a glimpse at the foliage starting to change and got excited. Our immediate thought was how we must explore the foliage in Vermont during our senior year!

Fall is one of the best seasons in Vermont and is a great time to come and visit. I personally love starting school again and getting to catch up with my friends that I didn't get to see over the summer. I also enjoy getting to move back home. SMC and Vermont have really become my home away from home and this year is really going to be bitter sweet. So whether you love leaves, love SMC, or want an adventure plan a road trip and come say hi!