Wednesday, October 6, 2010

dolce far niente

"Sweetness of doing nothing "

I stumbled across this Italian saying today and thought how perfect it is to apply to my life especially while living in Florence. Italians like to live life simply and enjoy every aspect of their day. Whether they are walking around town or eating with friends and family.

So today, after chatting with some friends from home and listening to my friends radio show on WWPV 88.7 which is the schools radio station. I headed out with this saying fresh in my mind and some good songs running through my head as I went in search of the public library. Why the public library? Well, my program, API, constantly e-mails us about fun and interesting places and events going on in the city. In a recent e-mail, they suggested two places to visit, one was the public library the other a cafe. In Florence the library is a place where locals like to go as an escape from everything. I had a big chunk of reading to do and decided why not. The library was a very cool place, where you could sit outside on a porch that wrapped around the interior courtyard or inside on a couch. So, I found a couch and began my extensive amount of reading on the history of Italian food and culture.

The other place that they recommended is a cafe/bar that is named after Hemingway. I haven't ventured their yet because it opens later in the afternoon and I haven't gotten the chance, but when I do I will tell you all about it!

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