You know it's registering time for classes at Saint Mike's when you skip over to your mailbox to find the envelope telling you what day you get to wake up at seven to press SUBMIT. But, wait a minute a lets back up a minute before you start getting stressed about being in Group 3 or being a first year and registering.
This is the time when campus is all a flutter with the end of one semester approaching in the horizon and the possibilities for a brand new perfect semester are just a few clicks away.
If you are a first year you now know some of your favorite professors and which classes you have heard are superb to take. Your planning on maybe having a schedule that allows you to sleep in to ten am or maybe a schedule that has you finished everyday by 2. Yes, there are some "horror" stories of people registering and it freezing, BUT I think people too often forget how everything usually works out.
One of the best things I tell my friends when they begin to get worked up about registering is that if your trying to get into a class within your major sometimes if you email the professor and express interest and inquire about extra seats they might have held and you could in fact be in luck! Second, never under estimate the power of a good email to a professor about seeing if you could join their class. This semester I was able to get into my favorite class by persevering and emailing the professor several times until he got my email. When he did he was impressed about my interest in the class and allowed me in his class. Now this does not always work and some classrooms don't always have a few extra desks, but I feel that if you try or talk to some professors or your advisor your crisis of class registration could become your best semester. Thirdly, even if your in the last group to register, there are still seats held in some classes so the first two groups don't get to fill them up. The registrar's office does leave seats for the third round.
If you are a first year you now know some of your favorite professors and which classes you have heard are superb to take. Your planning on maybe having a schedule that allows you to sleep in to ten am or maybe a schedule that has you finished everyday by 2. Yes, there are some "horror" stories of people registering and it freezing, BUT I think people too often forget how everything usually works out.
One of the best things I tell my friends when they begin to get worked up about registering is that if your trying to get into a class within your major sometimes if you email the professor and express interest and inquire about extra seats they might have held and you could in fact be in luck! Second, never under estimate the power of a good email to a professor about seeing if you could join their class. This semester I was able to get into my favorite class by persevering and emailing the professor several times until he got my email. When he did he was impressed about my interest in the class and allowed me in his class. Now this does not always work and some classrooms don't always have a few extra desks, but I feel that if you try or talk to some professors or your advisor your crisis of class registration could become your best semester. Thirdly, even if your in the last group to register, there are still seats held in some classes so the first two groups don't get to fill them up. The registrar's office does leave seats for the third round.
Finally also keep an active presence on Knight Vision and make sure to have plenty of back up choices. When everyone has registered and the system goes live allowing students to add or drop or switch there schedule, you may find openings in classes that were originally closed. The best piece of advice is to stay calm and be patient with scheduling. Everything happens for a reason. Your schedule isn't definite until two weeks into classes and you can adjust and make changes. So during the next week or two left in registering don't forget to relax and be aware of all the wonderful options to fix or adjust your schedule and how nice our faculty can be during this process. Never feel that you are doomed, And remember even seniors sometimes have scheduling issues...it's not just you or your group status on going.
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