I was having a bad day on Saturday and new all I really needed was some sunshine, a swinging bench, and maybe a little shopping that goes a long way. So I headed down town to my favorite spot in Burlington, the water front! The water front is right near Echo aquarium and connects to the Burlington bike path which can take you over to north beach. I began my journey by first stopping into the new Peace and Justice store right next to the Skinny Pancake.
Now if you have never been to either of these I highly suggest grabbing a delicious crape and then popping next door into the store before proceeding to the water front to digest and relax. The Peace and Justice store used to be located on Church street before its grand move. Now the new store is much more cozy and offers items that are all free trade and a lot of eco-friendly things too. They have Tibetan prayer flags to some awesome recycled bags and some cool bumper stickers to name a few things. I hadn't had the opportunity to go to the new location until Saturday and was so impressed. Well I titled this blog after I found this ecological tear off calender that I have, but my mom wanted. The calender was only six dollars and I bought it with the intent of mailing it to her asap. I told my sister that I got our mom this and she looks at me and goes "It's April the year is like half way through!" I had forgot that it wasn't just February or March, but April! I still plan on sending her the calender because I know she will enjoy it, but I couldn't believe that 2010 is flying by so fast.
After my purchases ( I also bought a notebook made of all recycled material and a bumper sticker that says imagine) I knew I needed to head towards the waterfront before I wanted to buy more. The good thing is these purchases are helping a good organization and are not exploiting laborers in other countries. If you follow the side walk down the hill some more past the Echo center you'll come to the harbor. Turn right and walk along until you find a open swinging bench! These benches are my favorite and have one of the best views in Vermont. They overlook Lake Champlain and on a clear sunny day like Saturday you can see straight across at New York and the Adirondack Mountain range. It's breath taking and such an amazing site to be able to sit and rock while enjoying.
I love this place because I can come down their and just reflect and enjoy the view, or bring a book to read, or journal. With my new snazzy journal from the Peace and Justice center I started writing mainly about my spectacular view. I also wrote about all the various people and dogs that walked by. It's a great place to people watch which is one of my favorite things to do in public places (especially in airports)!
I think the funniest parts about my trip was as I was half way through my writing when a Canadian couple asked me to slide over on my bench so they could sit with me. I was very confused and a little agitated at first, but I found it comical as I continued to sit and write as they began talking in French. I then wished I could remember French class in the 8th grade so I could over hear them and maybe surprise them by saying something. Unfortunately, Italian was the only thing I could think of and I finished my entry and left them to enjoy the view.
You never know what or who you might encounter in Burlington and it always keeps things interesting.
You never know what or who you might encounter in Burlington and it always keeps things interesting.
Burlington is amazing in every season and going down to the water front when it's covered in ice or hot and sunny out makes it a little different and gives you a different perspective or view on things. I love to go down when i want to reflect on life or when I need a breath of fresh air. I quick hour down and back is all you need.
all for now <3
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