Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Powder day!

Vermont like most of the country has been waiting for some more snow to come this winter. Last weekend our dreams came true. Friday night, it began to slowly start and just didn't give up. I woke up at 6:30 am because I knew that it was going to be a powder day and that everyone would be at the mountain.

Once I began driving up the mountain road I realized that it had never stopped snowing on Mount Mansfield and wouldn't stop either until later that night. I quickly geared up for a very windy yet snowy day! My first run I was skiing knee deep powder and couldn't believe it. I ended up having the best time skiing and talking to people on the lift. With the wind and the constant snow dumping I wasn't able to get any great photos, but I did find some on Stowe and Smugg's blogs so check it out!

We are supposed to get more snow tonight and I plan on skiing at Stowe this Friday to celebrate my birthday! So keep an eye out for an update and photos from that!

This is my excited we have powder face!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Snow Shoe Festival

Two weekends ago I had the opportunity as a wilderness leader to help out at the Green Mountain Club Snow Shoe festival in Waterbury. I along with three other leaders were extra trip leaders at the festival. Talk about getting to go outside on one of the most beautiful days this winter. The sky was a crisp blue and warm making it perfect snow shoe weather.

Checking out the map!

The four of us took out four adults on the trail called Bingham Falls in Stowe. The trail was nice beginner hike that let us look at the falls at the end which were pretty cool. Leading trips for Saint Mike's students and volunteering in the community at events like this is part of the many things wilderness leaders get to do! I love the feeling of knowing I got up early on a Saturday and did something fun outside instead of just sleeping in all the time. This winter has been abnormal, but despite lacking snow fall and warmer weather I've still been getting outside at least once every week to ski,snow shoe, or frolic around!

My group of friends at Smugglers Notch!