Ok don't panic. First see if you could find anyone else in your class who might know. If you can't find someone else who knows then email your professor. Just explain what happened and how you have had difficulty finding the topic. Professors are very helpful and can be understanding especially if you talk to them ahead of time or approach them before class and explain what happened.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
how do you become a wilderness leader?
Very soon an email will be going out regarding information about the meeting and an application! Just keep a look out for it. You can always go to the Wilderness Office which is upstairs in Alliot and ask them when exactly it will held.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Seize the Day!
In a mere few days, I will be taking the plunge just like so many freshmen, starting the semester in a new and foreign place, where I don't really know many people and where I have to learn the language. So I am with ya'll feeling nervous but wanting to do so much, while taking advantage of the the wonderful things the semester will hold.
A friend of mine recently told me, that while I'm abroad, it is really important to be open and flexible and not to turn down opportunities. I feel that too often I forget to enjoy the moment or forget to try something new -- even if it scares me. So, while I am in Italy, I'm going to try and seize the day while I am there and try new things (even if it means I have eating olives...which I don't particularly love).
I promise to upload lots of pictures and posts once I get set up and connected to the internet! Below is a silly picture I stumbled upon the other day. It was a Wednesday night, freshmen year, when I seized the opportunity to distract my friend Livy by duct tapping her to me! Pretty ridiculous, but this picture still makes me laugh!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Are toaster ovens permitted? The manual says a "hot pot" is, so I would assume it's ok.. Toast is my go-to midnight snack! =)
Toasters are not allowed unfortunately because they are a fire hazard. Hot pots are allowed so you can make mac and cheese as a late night snack. Alliot does have toasters and is open until 8pm during the week!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
What type of cable do I need for my tv so that I can get cable?
You need the standard cable which can be found in the bookstore or at a hardware store or Bestbuy. They are very easy to find! Make sure to get one long enough that it could reach where your TV is. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Terk+-+12'+Coaxial+Cable+for+Satellite+and+Cable+TV/7385171.p?id=1122654461219&skuId=7385171&st=cable&cp=1&lp=14
Thursday, August 19, 2010
One of the reasons why I love St. Mike's
Winding down from the summer
It has been way too long since I last wrote, my apologies due to computer problems. The end of my summer has been busy with adventures into Nashville, Skype dates with friends from school, a museum visit to the Frist, discovering Dragon park and lots of baking.
I love the woods. I love backpacking. I love being grungy. Make the mistake of mentioning tarps to me and you’ll find yourself the audience to a 20 minute dissertation on the best ways of keeping rain off your gear. That being said, it was only logical that I would sign up to co-lead the Green Mountain Backpacking W.O.W.